When Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American collapses upon arrival at the Murtala Mohammed International airport in Lagos, Nigeria. he is taken to Fiest Consultants Hospital, where he is admitted with fever like symptoms. Against his denial of contact with any Ebola victim in Liberia, the team at First Consultants, led by doctor Stella Ameyo Adadevoh, quickly deduce that there is more to his case than malaria. Suddenly they are in a race against time to to contain a very deadly disease from breaking out and spreading in a mega city with a population of over 20 million people and beginning what could be the deadliest disease outbreak the world has ever known.
警察欧林(史蒂文•席格 Steven Seagal 饰)刚刚调来到这个底特律犯罪最猖獗地区的警局,局里就发生了一件惊天大案!原本所在警局保险柜内的赃物50公斤海洛因不翼而飞了,由于这批毒品价值连城,局里的每一名警员都有作案嫌疑。 作风硬朗的欧林开负责调查这起毒品失窃案,但调查进行得异常艰辛。每天,当欧林回到局里,似乎一双双敌对的眼睛就监视着他。欧林找到了街头混混沃克(DMX 饰)协助他调查这起案件,沃克认为警局内的每个人都有份参与这起盗窃案,包括欧林也不例外。解开迷案的关键就在沃克身上!
【Based on comic books】 The Cream Lemon Video Series based on the popular manga of the same title, focusing on the forbidden love between brothers and sisters. 5th Title: Are you my brother?. Ami, raised in China, is a high school student who practices Chinese martial arts and swimming. She comes back to Japan because of her mother's remarriage. Hiroshi, a careless college stude...
每集故事都由一個一團糟的場景開始,五個剛剛升入高中的好朋友們由此展開生動的回顧和情景再現,講述事情為什麽會鬧到這個地步。當然,他們總會用一句“不是我幹的”試圖推卸責任;但生活的責任他們終究推卸不掉。看他們在一個接一個的或尷尬或喜感的亂子中如何成長吧。 燕迹秦清添加。
1776 年 12 月,本杰明富兰克林因其电气实验而闻名于世。但当他开始前往法国执行秘密任务时,他的热情和力量受到了考验美国独立的命运悬而未决。
冰(李嘉欣 饰)是一个上海著名企业家的女儿,为了寻找与自己的失散了十几年的亲生母亲,不惜瞒着父亲来到香港,并认识了“黑马王子”华弟(刘德华 饰),华弟好心收留了她,并与母亲一起帮她寻找生母。不料冰被人...
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