A young man involved in a love affair that will change his life forever, whilst his lover wrestles his demons on a journey that will force him to come to terms with his sexuality, leaving lives destroyed in the wake. Love, lust, sexuality and betrayal all play arts in this coming of age story.
影片讲述了书生宁采臣上京赶考,午夜时分与道士燕赤霞夜宿兰若寺。不料一进入其间,却是别有洞天,灯红酒绿不似人间,众多酒客与美人推杯换盏好不快活。殊不知兰若寺中众多美人竟都是妖精所化,其中倩郎与小倩兄妹二人是一对双生狐妖,被姥姥操控在兰若寺中吸取壮年男子的精气,由此来增强自己的功力。 倩郎化作妹妹小倩的模样以黄金美色诱惑宁采臣却无功而返,敬其诚挚,便想将妹妹小倩托付于他,希望宁采臣带着妹妹离开这个是非之地。姥姥得知此事震怒,一面是燕赤霞势在消除姥姥却法力不敌,另一面是倩郎和采臣执意要解救小倩,恰逢姥姥功力最强之时,三人又该何去何从?
Marco (Mario Casas) is a young businessman who manages one of the most successful technological companies in the world, ALVA, which has just launched its latest prototype into the market - CYCLONE, an electric car propelled by turbines that turn wind into energy. His friend and classmate Diego works with him, along with the latter's wife, Bárbara, the efficient marketing manager of the company. Eva, a young, ambitious engineer who has a lot to hide, also joins the team, and she will disrupt the balance at work, both emotionally and professionally, between the two business partners. In spite of being a popular guy, Marco, unlike Diego, doesn't have an exciting social life. He is a solitary man, and no one has access to the intimacy of his soul, apart from his psychologist, SARA, on whom he is emotionally dependent. Marco is haunted by a huge number of ghosts from his past and, although he tries hard to scare them away, he only finds comfort in sport and in frequenting a private club. People go there just to get pleasure and give free reign to their wildest erotic fantasies, without fear of falling in love, as everyone has to wear a mask to hide their faces. But everything changes when Marco meets Carol, the new educational psychologist who looks after his brother José, an 18-year-old boy with problems of autism, with whom he has a difficult relationship. With her, he will also meet his worst enemy - himself. Thanks to her, he will discover that it is never too late to love, even if it brings some pain along with it.
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