故事发生在法国乡村,16岁的女孩丽拉(法伊娜·乔康 Vahina Giocante 饰)跟姑姑一起搬到了这处偏僻而又贫瘠的小村庄里。在这里,丽拉遇见了名叫奇莫(莫阿马德·古亚 Mohammed Khouas 饰)的男孩,对于奇莫的沉默和腼腆,丽拉十分感兴趣,她经常有意无意的在语言和行为上挑逗着奇莫,看着后者羞涩的表情,丽拉充满了快乐。
A man under the spell of love decides to stay back and start working at the place he had come down for a vacation. He reverts to sending a letter to the woman he had fallen for, but the woman uses the vagueness of the letter to boost her mother's confidence, making her think she has a secret admirer.
The first real film from a director who went on to do a lot of interesting work in the 1970's and 80's before his tragic death by drowning in 1986. An avowed homage to Eyes Without a Face, the film unquestionably creates its own atmosphere and goes in a very different direction from its more famous model. Mulot's film has great cinematography, an interesting script construction and a very melancholic mood that marks it out from most low budget shockers of the period. Although not a costume piece as such, it is probably closer to the classic Mill of the Stone Women than to Franju's film. The acting and direction are of a uniformly high standard. Anny Duperey and Philip Lemaire impart real depth to their characterizations and it's great to see Euro legend Howard Vernon once again. The film was sold as a mixture of sex and horror and the sex is provided by a bevy of stunning Euro babes including Valerie Boisgel and Michele Perello who went on to feature in Morgane et ses Nymphes before disappearing into the hinterlands of porn. Well worth more than a passing look for any fan of classy Euro horror, this one has probably improved with age and repays repeated viewings. Was the above comment useful to you?
美国夫妇罗伊(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰)和杰西(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)坐火车从北京到莫斯科度假。在车上他们认识了西班牙小伙子卡洛斯(爱德华多·诺列加 Eduardo Noriega 饰)和美国姑娘艾比(凯特·玛拉 Kate Mara 饰)。当火车在西伯利亚小镇伊尔库茨克停留时,罗伊因贪恋观光而误了火车,卡洛斯和艾比决定与杰西在下站的伊兰斯基一同等待罗伊乘下班火车赶来。风流的卡洛斯很快便向杰西发起了追求攻势,使本来单纯的观光之旅变得复杂。而下一位与杰西夫妇同车厢的旅客竟是俄罗斯缉毒警官格林科(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰),随着事态越变越诡异,罗伊夫妇发现自己已深陷危机…… 本片获西班牙高迪奖最佳艺术指导和最佳电影剪辑奖及最佳摄影、最佳外语、最佳音效和最佳特效四项提名,并获美国科幻、幻象及恐怖电影协会土星奖最佳女主角(艾米莉·莫迪默)、最佳国际影片及最佳男配角(伍迪·哈里森)提名。
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