今日,据外媒报道,曾主演《最长的旅程》的当红小生斯科特·伊斯特伍德即将主演一部新动作片《Overdrive》。影片将由《飓风营救》的导演皮埃尔·莫瑞尔担任制作人,并将在多伦多国际电影节上寻找买家。 影片《Overdrive》的主角聚焦两位偷车贼兄弟。兄弟俩一路来到法国南部,准备寻求新的机会大干一票,没想到却卷入了当地犯罪地头蛇的一场风波之中。 据悉,影片还有吉姆·卡维泽加盟主演,《过境》导演José Antonio Negret执导;《通缉令》《决斗犹马镇》的编剧迈克尔·布拉德特以及德里克·哈斯执笔剧本并担任部分制作人的工作。
这是一部关于办公室鬼故事的电影。 新人阿Pat(莫文蔚 饰)刚来这栋大楼的一间公司上班,遇到了前男友阿Ken(冯德伦 饰)。两人聊了一会儿,随后阿Pat乘电梯回公司。电梯内一名只有白衣女子,她蹲在地上不停说“对不起”,阿Pat觉得十分诡异。同事说可能是鬼节将至造成… 阿Pat在厕所发现隔壁公司的秘书Connie在不停和最后一格的人说话,当时没有留意。之后女厕内突然传来一声尖叫,当众人赶到时,Connie已经在厕所上吊自杀身亡,她的脸上还挂着一个奇怪的笑容。 Ken在大堂也看到了白衣女子,身边还有一个红衣女子。红衣女子对他说,白衣女子是鬼,正在逼她跳楼…
Totally unawares, Saverio, a teacher and Mario, a janitor of the same school in which they both work, travel back in time and find themselves in central Italy at the end of the 15th century. They carry with them an unresolved squabble concerning Saverio’s sister, creating a lot of tension between the two, which will increase in the plot. From this moment on they will have to come to grips with the grotesque situation they find themselves in, trying to "hitch a lift" back to the future in a most outlandish way, using and misusing their foresight of the events taking place round that time, and generally making fools of themselves in the eyes of "normal" renaissance folks. Their meeting with Leonardo da Vinci is hysterical, when they become more and more convinced that the genius is in reality a moron. Another character they meet is Savonarola the heretic, who enjoins them to repent, before he is taken to the stake, eliciting some breezy comment from them. If it weren’t for a weird kind of homesickness, they would quite enjoy living in this period, full of daring fashions and tantalising damsels. The couple shows great chemistry and is funny in every respect. The psychology of their characters is complex and credible - for once comical roles with a depth. Basically, Saverio is an embittered petit-bourgeois forever attracted and rejected by women, envious of Mario, an easy-going proletarian every woman falls in love with. Saverio is scheming, mean and vindictive as much as Mario is naive, generous and forgiving. What a match of talents: Roberto Benigni and Massimo Troisi at the peak of combined creativity. Too bad they will never come back together for another joint venture. Or maybe it is better this way: masterpieces of this level cannot be improved on, at best they can be imitated. For this reason Non ci resta che piangere will shine like a gem in the crown of the best Italian movies of all times. Sadly not many people seem to have seen it, not even in Italy, where the viewers do not need subtitles to enjoy the hilarious juggling of the two actors with the language, but their body language can be universally appreciated. If you miss it you will have to repent!
聚焦一对英国夫妇丽芙和威尔,他们似乎拥有一切:坚如磐石的婚姻,在远离家乡几千英里的纽约过着光鲜的新生活,他们还很年轻,觉得自己的人生还在前面,直到丽芙发现了威尔的婚外情。 心碎之后很快就会出现另一种情绪:愤怒,复仇是她唯一的选择。当威尔提议环游美国史诗国家公园、给他们的关系一个新的开始时,丽芙知道她的机会来了,一个梦想的假期和原本应该幸福的生活很快变成了现实中的噩梦。
故事发生在三十年代的中国,日军的侵略让这片广袤的土地伤痕累累。张寄生(胡杏儿 饰)本是一位平凡的女子,和丈夫周细鸡(萧正楠 饰)新婚燕尔正准备享受幸福的生活。哪知道有朝一日,她竟然眼睁睁的看着亲人和爱人死在了敌人的手中,自己虽然偷生但惨遭侮辱。失去了一切生无可恋的张寄生想到了自我了断,却被游击队队长江尚红(黎耀祥 饰)救下。 在如此动乱的年代,张寄生和江尚红之间产生了真挚的感情,可是张寄生无法忘记仇恨,江尚红更是有着一段灰暗的过去,这段感情对于他们两人来说有着无法承受的重量。在江尚红的推荐下,张寄生加入了共产党,化身粤剧花旦“水芙蓉”,暗中套取敌方情报,立下了屡屡战功。
在上世纪 20 年代的马德里,国家电话公司的四位女士在一通通电话中应对着爱情、友谊和现代职场的挑战,迎接新的变革。
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