衣冠楚楚、左右逢源的林卓生(孙兴 饰)是娱乐圈小有名气的男星,虽然近些年人气直线下滑,甚至一度成为票房毒药,但是他还勉为其难顶着喜剧之王的桂冠苦苦支撑。从心底热爱表演的他厌烦经纪人Martin对其商业化的包装,更不愿为了名利向财大气粗的郭氏集团低头,如今他只想等合约期满后息影几年,找一个安静的所在好好休息一下。家住笑笑村的村长外甥刘威利(九孔 饰)新近因为投资事宜被村民们骂的狗血喷头,为了找到失踪的投资商,他带着神游天外的小饭馆厨子施大为(孙兴 饰)来到繁华大都会上海。因为一起偶然事件,长相一模一样的林卓生和施大为互换了身份。 在全然陌生的环境里,他们各自上演了一连串始料未及的有趣故事……
Asia’s largest mall is ready for inauguration, although there’s a myth surrounding the mall. There have been nine accidental deaths in the mall and the owners are sick of the stories about the mall being haunted. So they decide to re-launch their mall in a grand way. This is when the lead hero of the film Jimmy Shergill (Vishnu Sharma) enters. He is an ex-army officer but lends up becoming the chief security officer of the Amity Mall. On the opening eve the owner of the mall, Mr. Manchanda calls a press conference and to dispel the fears announces that he would spend a night at the Mall with the board of directors. Manchanda and his cronies step into the Mall to spend a night and this to Manchanda is a big business strategy. Manchanda and group are not the only ones to be inside the Mall this night. Manchanda’s daughter Ahana and her friends make their way inside, as wells as Vishnu, the chief of security at the Mall who has a past that haunts him. Facts come clear only by the end ...
The elderly caretaker of a remote morgue possesses an impeccable memory for everything but names. He passes his days showing corpses to those searching for their lost ones and tending to his beloved plants. When protest in a nearby city breaks out and the militia covertly raid the morgue to hide civilian casualties, he discovers the body of an unknown young woman. Evoking memor...
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